Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Through the Bible in one year - Day 88

Psalm 88:13
But I, O Lord, cry to you;
in the morning my prayer comes before you.

The Psalmist in this reading asks questions and pleads for response and mercy - I found this particular verse arresting because I might remember to cry out to the Lord - but not always do I remember to let my prayer come to Him in the morning. Some days it might wait until I have some need. I could, however, pray regularly and as a habit and what better time than before the day interrupts as it surely will? This is a verse I take as instructive to my priorities.

Exodus 34:11 says: “Observe what I command you this day..."

While that may be only one small verse of our reading, I will take in conjunction with what I was seeing above - and how (I ask myself) would I be able to observe what the Lord commands this day - if I didn't read what it was He said - early in the morning - again, this speaks to my priorities.

I am a slow getter upper - ask my husband who has to make my coffee every morning. And there are lots of people who find different times work best for them - maybe their children are asleep at night and they have peace to read the Bible, or maybe there is a window of time during the day or over lunch; my issue is I do better with a consistent schedule (thanks for that reminder from my friend Danielle) and if I make a plan to read in the morning, even if I miss I can still make an opportunity later during the day. While if I plan on the last thing at night-well, I'm not that great at staying awake either-so with these things in mind I'd be much more successful if I prepared to read as early in the day as I am functioning - and not distracted!

Today we begin the story of Esther - for such a time as this-we read and respond to the Lord!

When I read this passage from 1 Corinthians I was thinking of a couple of things - one personal and one from my reading of the news. The understanding that it is better to be wronged than it is to go to court. There are many stories where people are wronged and even going to court, the situation does not get better. What I worry about is our witness, when we as Christians cannot come to terms amicably but rather pursue vendettas or the world's justice - or what passes for the world's justice. I really want to say no to this - and not participate in this behavior; whether out of self preservation or after having been wronged. I pray I can walk away. I pray for our witness to the world.

Today’s readings: Psalm 88, Exodus 34, Esther 1, 1 Corinthians 6

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